Chapter 34

“I would never wish away my powers, because of the people they allow me to help, but they do have a lot of downsides at times.” Dustin had moments in his past when he had wished he was normal, but he’s become more at peace with who he is over time. He accepts his powers, and he uses them to do good.

They get back in the car, and Ronan starts the engine, cranking the heat back up, because it is a cold day, and they start toward Nevada.

* * * *

Ronan drives all morning, and then they stop at a gas station for a bathroom break and to grab snacks.

Dustin thinks Ronan seems a little more approachable today. He’s still far from an open book, but he seems more relaxed around Dustin than he was the first day they met, which was only four days ago. Dustin still remembers the feeling of having Ronan’s gun pointed near him. It’s not the first time someone has drawn a gun on Dustin, and every time it has been a cop, and he’s been somewhere he technically shouldn’t have been.