Chapter 21

“You see it, don’t you?” Paulo cried, and smacked the hard wood of the podium.

“See what?” asked Kar from the high-backed chair.

Daniel shook his head and turned to Kar. “Dr. Guerrieri would have you believe this came from the famed libraries at Alexandria.”

Paulo laughed and clapped his hands once in delight. “It is not what I believe, my darling boy. It is the shining truth!”

Ignoring the outburst, Daniel stayed focused on Karden’s curious expression. “The Library at Alexandria was one of the wonders of the world,” said Daniel. “It was rumored to be founded by the descendants of Alexander the Great, who slaughtered a lot of people in order to impose Greek culture.”

A loud snort sounded from Paulo. “Alexander civilized the world,” he announced.

“By annihilating countless cultures by force,” responded Daniel.

Paulo leaned closer to Daniel. “He gave everyone the choice of keeping their traditions.”

“Choosingwhile staring at the tip of a spear,” said Daniel.