Chapter 36

Jett was on his second cup of coffee, fidgeting with his phone in hopes of hearing soon from Trev that they were at their hotel, when Tatum abruptly straightened and smiled at something past his shoulder.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite restaurateur,” she said.

Jett twisted and joined in her welcome of Rocky, though silently chastised himself that Tatum knew what he did for a living and Jett hadn’t. “How did you find us?”

“You said you were staying at 21c. I looked it up. Proof is where people eat.”

Jett gestured at an empty chair at their table. “Then eat.”

“Can’t. I’m hoping I can steal you two away to help me out.”

“I’m stealable,” Tatum said.

“So am I.” Anything to distract him from thinking about Trev. Catching their waitress’s eye, he motioned for her to come over. “What do you need?”

The waitress appeared at Rocky’s side. “Do you need me to set an extra place, sir?”