Chapter 67

“Now, Amanda, as I was saying—”

“Yes, Alice?” Amelia said innocently.

Mrs. Ledbetter paused, regarded Amelia with grudging respect. “I think I’m going to like you, dear. And I don’t like very many people. Not unless I have to. But I think I’m going to make an exception for you. You’re a very smart girl, aren’t you?”

“I got all As in school.”

“I’ll bet you did. So tell me, Amelia, are these two clowns treating you like a lady? Because if they’re not, Granny Ledbetter is going to have some words. Some very strong words, mind you, words that innocent young ears like yours ought not to be hearing.”

Amelia glanced at Jackson and myself.

“Well?” Mrs. Ledbetter prompted.

“They’re a bit weird,” Amelia admitted. “They’re both dorks, if you want to know the truth. But I like them. Mr. Jack wanted to buy me a bedspread with a princess on it. So lame!”