Chapter 33

“Only a lawyer is going to try to use logic and love in the same sentence.” Evan laughed softly. “We do love him. And you should have seen him defending us to that uncle of his last week. If that’s not mutual, I’m not sure what would be.”

Nick hummed as his thoughts raced. “I don’t like uncertainty.” He moistened his lips. “This whole thing with his uncle is bothering me. How do we address it?”

Evan sat up straight and gave Nick a funny look. Nick could understand his confusion. Nick was usually the one making suggestions and doing the planning. He had the dominant personality. Evan, though, was the one with experience dealing with dysfunctional families. Even though Luke probably wouldn’t describe their family as anything but typical, Bruce Driscoll’s controlling behavior toward Luke and the lack of attention from anyone else in the family proved there was no function to be had anywhere else in the familial abode.