“I don’t understand.” Em shook her head.
“If you and the vanth became changelings, it would make sense that you could not be killed. You cannot die because he hasn’t yet died. You’re tied to his thread of life.”
“Until I end it,” she huffed.
Arnath added, “I know that you’re angry. But please, stay here with us, then. “There is safety in numbers. Live on the lake’s shore with Alec and us. We will keep you safe until the elf can be found. We can find a solution that doesn’t involve killing.”
“No!” Em shouted furiously. “I can’t keep living like this! I need to find the elf who did this to me. I need to find him and kill him. Please, I just want to die.”
“Perhaps you won’t need for him to die. If you bring him here, perhaps Arnath can find a way to reverse it. There must be a way for you to reclaim your humanity without the poor elf dying,” Alec suggested.
“I cannot promise you that,”