“Time to hit the road boys,” the rogue with a large scar across his face said. “Before those fucking Amazons get on our asses again.”
“Next time Sarge, let’s pick somewhere with a little more tail and a little less dykes.”
“Dyno, quit your complaining.” Sarge buckled his saddle bag and threw it at the third rogue. “Beni, get the gear loaded.”
“Don’t leave on their account.” Bryce walked right into the middle of their makeshift camp; little more than a few bedrolls scattered around a fire pit.
Beni growled while Sarge pulled out a blade. Stupid rogues; always so jumpy.
“What d’you want, pack wolf?”
Bryce didn’t need an omega to tell him that Sarge was in charge. If he could hook that one, the others would follow like good little pups.
“Pretty stupid to come into a rogue camp all alone,” Beni said.
“What do I have to fear from you?” Bryce picked up a stick from the ground and stirred the embers in the fire pit until he uncovered the last coals. “We’re all werewolves.”