Chapter 100

“You are pathetic.” He punched Josh in the gut and doubled him over. “What makes you think you can stand against me? You are an omega, weak and spineless. You should be licking my boots just like your mother lapped up any attention Silverbane showed her.”

* * * *

“You have no right to talk about my mother!” Josh yelled.

He charged at Bryce again, despite the pain of each blow that landed on him until he knocked Bryce to the ground. They rolled over each other. Each time Josh was on top, he punched Bryce. He couldn’t feel his knuckles and felt detached from the bruises and cuts Bryce inflicted on him. He had to defeat Bryce, not only for his mother’s memory, but to save the family and himself.

When Bryce was on top, he pummeled Josh and drove the breath from Josh’s lungs. Josh was losing ground quickly. Bryce was stronger and more resilient than he was. The only thing Josh had going for him was the knowledge that losing was not an option.