Jenny shuffled her feet, and then told herself to quit it. She’d been doing that too much lately; it was a habit she hated, one she’d picked up in the last couple of years she’d been living at home. She’d managed to keep from doing it when Renée was around during the last three months of their courtship, but that had been because she was too busy trying to convince herself she was happy.
Bloody hell, and she had been happy with Renée.
Why hadn’t she been able to see that appeasing her family wasn’t the way to go?
She entered the archives and approached Mrs. Partridge. “Hi.” She smiled weakly. “Is Re—I mean, Miss Beauchamp available?”
The head archivist looked sympathetic as if, somehow, Jenny had let her anxiety’s source show. “I thought you and Ms. Beauchamp were getting along well.”