Chapter 19

“Glad to hear it. Do you remember where the safe area is for this floor?”

“Yes, sir.” It was a ridiculously small broom closet, but if she helped clear everything out of it, she could probably fit fifteen people inside.

“Good. You and Bryce start rounding up nonessential personnel, anyone not an agent, and get them to that area. There will be an agent on duty. Don’t leave anyone alone if there isn’t an agent present.” He paused. “I’ll be down to check on your progress in ten minutes.”

Shuffling her feet, Renée licked her lips. “Yes, sir.” She’d just been put in charge of gathering up all the nonessentials. Well, she and Bryce, but so far he didn’t seem comfortable with their new role. He hadn’t said “boo” since the lights went out.

“Are you sure you two can manage this?”