Chapter 20

Her beam lit up characters on a stage: Renée, Agent Tavery, and a man in the agent’s arms as the dragon knelt on the floor. The still man appeared to be unconscious.

“Move,” Jenny ordered a man who was standing in the middle of the hallway between her and her patient. She brushed by him when he didn’t get out of the way fast enough and hit her knees. She started feeling for a pulse on the unmoving man’s wrist.

Agent Tavery laid the man fully on the floor and got out of the way.

Renée was beside her then. “Is he going to be okay, Jen?”

In the middle of all that was more important, Jenny glowed to hear her shortened nickname on Renée’s lips. She hadn’t heard it in over ten years and when it was spoken, she felt the world bloom with possibilities. She flashed a smile. “He’ll be fine. I think he just panicked.”

Renée whispered, “Agent Delgado, a psychic vampire, was feeding off him, I think.”