Mark put his hand on his hip. “You got me all wound up like you did on Friday buying me the coffee grinder.”
“I promised you I’d only help if you asked or if we are officially together. I’d like to send you to Monmouth. I think you’d make a great professor. If you like, we could fill out forms for a scholarship on the basis of financial need and good grades. If they take care of the credits, I’ll help with the books and fees and you can pay me back by working on Friday and Saturday nights.”
Mark poured the coffee. “I’ll think about it. You were right the other day. I make enough to go to Brookdale. It would be easier at Monmouth. They did give me a scholarship eight years ago. Maybe they would again. What about rent?”
“I don’t need the money. If you weren’t there, the apartment would stay empty. I had it fixed up so that my mother would have a place to go if she ever decides to leave my father. I was glad I was able to help you out like Bobby helped me.”