Chapter 52

“Since they wouldn’t kill the op, and they couldn’t risk you exposing them, the most reasonable step was to remove you. Nobody could be sure if you had talked to Ares about the situation, but they thought it was better to be safe than sorry. So you were both set up.”

“If that’s true, why weren’t we killed after it was clear the bomb didn’t do the job?” Ares asked.

“Because I could prove Anicka didn’t remember. And the fact that you didn’t call the authorities the second you woke up was proof enough that you didn’t know. I have to admit, I was surprised by that. I thought Anicka told you everything.”

From what she’d learned about their previous relationship, Anicka would have assumed the same thing. “If what you say is true, I probably did it to protect him.” It was the only explanation she could fathom. “But I’m not convinced you are. It all sounds good, but the best lies usually do.”