Chapter 27

“I’ve…I’ve had a drinking problem since I was sixteen. Because of your influence, I went into a rehab center for the full twenty-one days. It was in-patient. I attended AA meetings several times a week. And our relationship was really strong. You didn’t want to see me drinking myself to death, and I didn’t want to lose you. It was rough, but…it was worth it. Then you went back to Spain to visit your family.”

“You had a relapse?”

“I went out drinking three nights in a row. The first night was just a beer with friends, so I could justify it. Then the first night went so well, I could justify going out a second time. By the third night, I didn’t even try to justify it. And I didn’t have just one beer. I drank until I blacked out. When I woke up, I was with another man I didn’t know.”

“And I found out about all this?”

“I told you.”

“You told me?”