Chapter 12

“You talked about me?” The smile was all he needed. “What did he say?”

“He loves you, Levi. He might not be ready to admit it to himself, but it’s obvious.”

“Loving me has never been the problem. I know he loves me, heknows he loves me—it’s that he thinks I need to explore life. He doesn’t seem to understand that I’m twenty-six, not sixteen. I’ve done the partying, Mandi. I’ve done the late nights and the bad decisions. All I want is my man and a place to call home.”

“Iknow you do, but you need to tell him.”

“I have told him, but he doesn’t listen.”


“How should I know?”

“You haven’t asked?” She looked at him as if he’d lost his mind.

“How should I ask? How should I frame the question?”

She sighed. “So, you’re saying this is a hang-up he has? Something about the age difference between you two gives him cold feet.”