“Really? ‘Best first kisses in history’ you say? Sounds like the girl should start charging for such a privilege!” He dodged the comb she threw at him, and laughed at her indignant glare as she continued her nervous ramblings.
“It’s just, she’s so young, and most of the time I don’t think about it—she seems older, you know? But what about if we get to the point of undressing? I’m not twenty-five years old anymore, Gabe!” She gestured vaguely up and down her body saying, “Even when I was, I was never the model figure. Now I’m older, I’ve got crow’s feet, grey hairs, and well, things have…shiftedover the years, and they won’t have for her. Oh hell, what have I done?”
Gabriel raised his eyebrows a bit and observed, “She hasn’t even gotten here yet, and you’re already planning to get naked? Sounds like a promising evening to me, you shifty, old hornball.”