“I’m beginning to believe no one really knew me,” I said to Jon, feeling somewhat upset with the idea.
“Maybe because of what you did, here?” he replied.
“Yeah, probably. I was the guy hanging around way over their heads, or closeted in the lighting booth, most of the time.”
“The loner?” Brody asked.
“Not by choice. Okay, maybe partly by choice. When I washanging with anyone, it was David, when we were both free at the same time. Or with the guys on the lighting crew, but that was mostly to talk shop.”
“I’d presume,” Brody said, “since this is a theater, no one cared you were gay.”
“Not at all. David and I weren’t the only ones who were…are. Lydia and Olivia are a couple. Glenn, the director, is married to a stockbroker.”
“Interesting combo,” Jon said, chuckling.
“No kidding, but it works for them.”