With that frightening thought in mind, Rocco’s eyes turned toward the window where he saw dirty city streets, pale under the streetlamps. As the ambulance weaved through the traffic, blue lights blazing, there was something in the intensity of the moment that gave him chills. It was an unfolding drama these professionals must face daily, urging them onward, to carry their precious cargo to safety.
In the distance the hospital looked like little more than a large house on a hill until they got closer and the building seemed to slowly rise like a monolithic monster. Inside he found that it was a place full of rushing professionals in starched uniforms that scuttled from one place to another in their scrubs, stethoscopes and rubber shoes. A hasty examination, questions and answers about what had happened to put him in this life-threatening condition, was followed by a quick ride to his room through a wide hallway that had about as much personality as the interstate.