“Well, after the first time, I ran back to the hotel and it appeared there. I did the same thing I had done in the desert, and it seemed to work. At the advice of the day innkeeper, I got the hell out of Cairo. I took the next flight out of there, which was to LA. That was fine, but to honest, I was holding the ankh and thinking good thoughts most of the time,” Ian said. “My energy was really up. The train was the last time I saw it. I’m just worried that it’s getting stronger. I feel like I’m getting stronger also though.”
“You’re also with us now,” Raferty said, placing his hand on Ian’s shoulder. “Together we’re stronger, and if that’s not enough, tonight we’ll have the whole coven.”
“And the whole town, Dad,” Ian said. “I don’t know if we want to be messing with it around them. It could be dangerous for them and for us.”