“You have no idea who he is?” Raferty asked.
“Khnurn’s niece saw him when he appeared in the lobby. She said she thought that he might be Azrael,” Ian recalled.
“The Angel of Death?” Susanna asked. “You boys sure know how to attract them.”
“Yes, Seamus should know about this one,” Raferty added.
“Was he blue?” Seamus asked.
“Blue? You mean like a Hindu god?” Ian asked.
“No more like antimatter,” Seamus clarified.
“No, he wasn’t blue,” Ian said. “What is this all about?”
“Seamus met a guy last Samhain,” Susanna said.
“Nice guy,” Raferty said. “I mean, your mother and I liked him, once he didn’t kill your brother. That was toward the end of the evening.”
“And he did a wonderful job getting rid of cancer,” Susanna added.
“I really miss him,” Seamus said. “I think he was it.”
“That’s what you kept calling him,” Raferty recalled. “It.”
“Later, I called him ‘Mine,’” Seamus said, almost dreamily.