Chapter 28

“That’s what I said,” Jordan added. “But Spense says we should be thanking him because it all turned out okay. We’re in a better place because of what he did.”

“The bishop and the school board never found out about Jordan. I didn’t get fired, I left with a good recommendation, and Jordan and I are definitely better off. It forced us to be honest about our relationship,” Spenser said. He leaned against Jordan who kissed the top of Spenser’s head.

“But still,” Kent persisted, “what if you hadn’t quit? You think he would have just given up? I don’t! He’d have found a way to screw you over. Now he’s probably sittin’ back, all smug, proud of himself for getting rid of you—probably thinks he forced you out by sending you that link. I think he needs to pay.”

Spenser shook his head. “I don’t know. I don’t want to do anything that calls attention to me and Jordan. I left on good terms with everyone.”