The Green Haired Girl

The old man starts the chariot and the dirt flies in the air.

'' But still, I didn't know that you knew about the War Mountains, most people just ignore the people that are associated with them.''

The old man chuckles a little.

'' So that's how they talk about it these days when I was young, we were competing who would be the first one to kill 100 War Wolves or 300 Ruined Shadows, Hahahahaha.''

The fact that the old man enjoys talking about his stories makes Aalish smile.

'' Ah, I knew it! So, you were there old dude! But still when you were young? Didn't the War Mountains lose their popularity around 60 years ago because of The Revo incident? Just how old are you?''

The old dude without hesitation tells him.

''I'm 146 years old, oh and also don't call me old dud-''

''Ehh!? You're 146 years old!? This is how old the family heads usually are, oh yeah, and since you don't want to be called old dude what should I call you?'' Aalish says in a surprised but understanding manner.

''My name is Yota Enki, you can call me just Yota''

The room turned cold, the heaviness of the surname Enki pressed the chariots rooms like a silent upcoming explosion.

Enki? Enki? That family that conquered the land of blackberries? What is a member of that family doing here, their name holds a heavyweight to it because of their large status, they are strong as the Makore family meaning that the only district that could stop them was a district on the same level as them. My grandfather told me how he and Kwan Enki almost fought to death when they were in their teens.

Aalish's thinking is suddenly interrupted by a question.

''What about you?''

He's still a bit shocked from before but still answers the question quickly.

'' My name's Aalish Makore, you can also just call me Aalish''

Yota chuckled a bit and said.

''Ohh so you do know about my family Hahahaha you should have said it no need to be shy. I mean our family is really proud that our family head fought Than Makore you know. Hahahhahaha''

Aalish is now even more shocked to see Yota Enki take all of their families 'pasts as a joke, but that itself made him laugh. But he still didn't have the courage to ask him what is an Enki family member doing as a chariot driver.


They finally are at the front of War Mountains after a 15h ride of sleeping, talking, and stopping so that the horses could get some rest.

'' Ughhhhh we are finally here'' in Aalish saying and stretching his arms.

''Oh yeah and Yota thank you for the ride, here's your payment''

Yota looks at Aalish takes the money and says

'' I know it's a cliché thing to say but be careful out there''

Aalish smiles

''No need to worry I'll be back as soon as I get a teacher or someone to teach me!''

Yota smiles back at Aalish and suddenly he gets an old distant memory.

Yota!! Yota!! What are you doing we are about to start! Strong and uplifting words echo through in that faint memory. For a second, he saw the owner of those words. A strongly built body with light white hair and deep brown honey eyes flashes in his mind. After the rusty memory fades and he's back to his senses. Yota looks at Aalish for one last time and then.


Aalish turns around to see Yota holding a green-like crystal with little silver waves in it.

''Take it, you already know what it is, so I don't need to explain right.'' Says Yota while passing the crystal to Aalish.

Aalish looks at Yota dumbfounded with a sour expression.

''I have no idea what this is.''

''You must be joking right? The Enki Leaf crystal?'' Yota responds with a surprised but cold like manner.

''I still have no idea what this is.''

Yota sighs and prepares to start explaining.

''I guess they don't teach about The Enki Crystal Production anymore huh?''

Aalish to calm Yota down says in a carefree attitude.

''Maybe it's just me that haven't heard about it I've never been to school''

Yota looks at Aalish.

''But then how do you know about War Mountai-''


''Oh I see.''

Maybe It's because he has the head family blood or something, but I didn't get treatment like that. Maybe the times have changed but I wouldn't say so. But if I look closely at him how old even is he? He has two different eyes one, the left one is yellow and the right one is red. Also, he has that weird mark under his yellow one there's this mark like the sun-

''HAHAHAHAHAHAHA'' Suddenly Yota starts laughing as hard as ever.

''Uhh, Yota? Is it that funny that I homeschooled?'' Aalish says with an upset expression.

''HAHAHAHAHA don't worry about it, we were at oh yeah The Enki Leaf Crystal.''

To think that I would meet the son of Ater, what is he thinking in making a child now. His firstborn son huh. I don't know what's he up to, but I want to see what kind of a mess will this boy's fate be.

''Well, the Enki Leaf Crystal has only one ability, I've put a bit of my Ectoplasma in there so when you break the crystal will make a miniature explosion and release my Ectoplasma. The Ectoplasma inside is concentrated so I will be able to know where you are when the crystal explodes, well you won't feel anything since the only one that knows where you are is the one who put the Ectoplasma inside the crystal. The crystal ability is just that it enhances the Ectoplasma and creates a link when it explodes so I can track it down.

Yota hands the crystal over to Aalish.

He puts the green crystal in his pocket and thanks Yota.

''Thank you for everything Yota, I promise I will use this crystal when I need it the most.''

''Yeah, no problem, be careful out there''

''Yeah don't worry I will. Oh, and one more thing Yota, why is it called The Enki Leaf Crystal?''

''Leaves go out of it when it explodes.'' Says Yota with a smile on his face.

''Ohh I see must be beautiful, but yeah then I'll see you around bye!''


Aahhh so these are the war mountains huh.

Aalish thinks to himself in a non-uplifting manor while facing an unending wall before him.

The War Mountains are around 6,700 meters high in the air, people aren't supposed to breathe up there but the Ectoplasma keeps the air from becoming thinner so It's not that hard to breathe up there. But the problem will be how in the hell will I get up there. The only way is the traditional way climbing it up, but I will get exhausted and….

He tries to think through it one more time before he makes his decision but he gives up halfway.

Ughh I really have to climb this up the traditional way, don't I?

He starts to climb the hard straight rock walls fast without losing a second, the faster he goes the less he touches the wall. His fingertips are barely touching the stone, on the other hand, his feet are running up the wall. The weather isn't great the clouds are gray although that's common for War Mountains they are more like dark gray. The sense of danger is still high even up here if the winds start to blow too hard it would start to throw of Aalish's balance and he'd have to stop.

''Hmm?'' Aalish makes a confused face when he feels cold water on the back of his neck.

''The rains already here?''

He's been running and climbing on the wall for the last fifteen minutes so he still needs another 2 kilometers to get up there. It's starting to rain more and more; every water drop makes it harder and harder to climb and run up the mountain wall.

I should stop, I'll wait so that the weather calms down I don't want to risk it and die climbing the mountains. If I die, I die in the mountains, not by the mountains.

He looks to his left and then when he looks to his right, he sees an edge sticking out enough that he could stand on it. He gets on it and waits, fortunately, there was another edge above his head so he didn't get that drenched from the rain.

I can't really see anything up the wall. I can't see the ground because of the fog, and the sky is just depressing at the moment. I better start climbing soon.

After waiting for 10 minutes the rain stopped.

It doesn't look like it's the last time raining today. The dark gray clouds are still here.

Finally, after climbing for about half a day he finally gets to the ''top'' of The War Mountains. The mountains filled with emotions from rage to happiness. The tournaments and matches that were held here and the incidents that happened are responsible for those emotions.

But war mountains are much more than that.

The War Mountains have the middle area where I am at the moment, climbing up to the peaks is too hard, people usually search for a teacher in the middle area, this is also where the wolves and the shadows are.

The War Mountains have three peaks each named by what is at the peak or around it, the first and the highest peak is called the Olive Peak. There hasn't been a lot of people up there, but it's not like there's a strong monster, demon, or a spirit, what's actually at the top is a beautiful Olive tree.

Some people say that if you reach that peak you will have to stay up there till you find your tranquility others say that there's a test up there to test your natural abilities, there has only been a few individuals that have climbed up and down that peak.

People were talking about how everyone that came down from the peak looked more full, more self-conscious… There was this aura around them, the aura gave a type of feeling like the person in front of you got his missing piece of the puzzle. Olive Peak was banned from climbing even when War Mountains were at their popularity climax, on top of that it's almost impossible to climb it.

The second highest peak is the Broken Peak at least that's what it's called now. It used to be called Pura Peak, the thing that symbolized that peak was the Lilacs that were blooming around it and on it non-stop for the whole year. The Pura Peak had a big attraction for good spirits and Mythical Beasts.

But in the end, the thing that changed the Pura Peak to Broken Peak was none other than a mythical beast. 100 years ago, when the War Mountains used to be the starting point of a lot of warriors, in the winter full of winds and snowstorms a small sphere landed next to Pura Peak.

The sphere was at first black but when it touched the ground of the mountains it became white with light and dark blue swimming in it. It was still and untouched for 10 years until it got pushed by a snowstorm and it touched a tree, the sphere didn't bounce off the tree but it got absorbed in it or more like it absorbed the tree.

The tree slowly started to move and transform, the before white leaves started transforming into fluffy like sharp fur, the before hard roots started to turn into strong and giant legs and the hard old branches turned into long hands with sharp claws after a good 15 seconds of transforming you could see it, you could see the light blue eyes looking at you through the snowstorm.

But the figure looked around and ran around Pura Peak to find a cave big enough to fit a 230cm beast like it. The figure found a cave right next to Pura Peak and then it collapsed into it falling into hibernation.

''Heyy!! Everyone check this out!! I've found a weird monster here in the cave!! Screamed the young red-haired boy.

The beautiful snow is falling on them gently.

Slowly the loud and unclear voices start to wake it up.

''What do you think is it?'' says the brown short-haired girl on the left with a questioned look, wearing a coat with a winter hat while they are slightly leaning over the monster.

Its blood starts to run through the veins that have been asleep for the last thirty years.

''I don't know but it looks really big, I think it's like 2 meters and a half though'' responds the strongly built tall guy with spiky hair next to the young boy in the middle.

The setting of hunger starts to kick in.

''Heyyy, Heyyy do you think we get a bonus or an award if we defeat it?'' adds the long-haired blond girl with an exciting voice.

The muscle fiber starts to unfreeze.

''Haha maybe, we could even get something rare, like a sword crafted by the ''The God Blacksmith'' right Koba? '' says the young boy.

''Don't be ridiculous, no way that someone in their right mind would ever think to give The God Blacksmith's sword for killing a little sleeping monster''

'' C'mon we could still get something valuable you know?'' says the blonde-haired girl.

'' Yeah, I'm on her side! And if it's just a little monster sleeping, kill it, or can't you even kill a monster that's asleep?!!'' the short-haired girl backs her up.

The wonderful world has smelled again.

''Huh,'' Koba looks once more at the monster and thinks to himself.

Just what is this thing it's tall and skinny with white fur, to be honest it's just creepy! I won't regret taking an ugly monster's life.

''Fine okay I'll kill it.'' Says Koba.

'' YYAAAYY WOOHOOO'' the others start screaming.

Koba slowly walks up to the monster, he takes out his longsword aims to where the heart is supposed to be, and stabs with all of his strength.

*Splash* the blood spilled on Koba's face, sword, and hands.

Koba turns around to face the others, they are all waiting for him outside the cave with smiles and laughs on their faces. He's smiling himself and walking towards them while still being in the shadow that the cave is casting.

He blinks twice to fix his vision after the sudden flash of brightness he got after stepping out of the cave, but in that one second, the happy atmosphere changed. The before soft and comforting cold air changed into a sharp like cutting one, to his surprise the expressions that his friends had just a few seconds ago completely relinquished the emotions they were expressing, the only expression that Koba can see on their faces is none other than fear.

Its eyes finally open.

Huh?.... My stomach... feels hot?... what is this?

Looking down onto his stomach his eyes open wide.

The fear and panic start to build up in his vocal cords and lungs.

His stomach now had three black claws sticking out of him like the tree branches.

My voice why can't I…

*cough* *cough*

Red…, it's red… my stomach's red, and my mouth is coughing up blood. Heyy? Why can't I scream? Huh? Why can't I scream?? My vision is blurry? The slow and painful crimson red suddenly turned into darkness. Darkness, it looks like my eyes have gone blind, I can't even feel a thing anymore, the more I think about it the worst it gets. Hm? A sound? But wait I can feel something it's not pain it's...

it's just.

utter terror.


Koba's body falls to the ground after being stabbed by 3 big claws.


The body made a sound that echoed around the terrain.

The group looks behind Koba's dead body to see the before dead monster eating him from his head down. The monster ate Koba slowly like it was enjoying it.

Fear had them captured. They couldn't do anything, the whole presence of standing in front of that monster had them paralyzed so they fell to their knees without a sound. The whole option of running was non-existing to them, they knew in each situation they're dead.

The young boy takes out his sword giving girls the thought of hope, but he knew that he couldn't beat that monster. He knows that this monster isn't part of the War Mountains competition, the money he could get if he won the competition on who killed the most of the monsters, and the money he spent to enter didn't matter to him anymore. He just wanted to get away from this terror. So, the neck he cut wasn't the monsters but his.

His body falls on the ground making the second echo through the terrain.


That itself gets the monster's attention.

Standing up, step after step the monster gets closer.

Blood drops are dropping from its mouth on the ground that being the only sound filling this quiet place.

Out of the cave's shadow, it finally shows itself.

Their eyes widen and in that long everlasting soundless second their heads fly off.

*ssss..* The blood is spilling out of their heads.

The monster looks at now dead bodies, sits down.

Grabs both of the bodies to tear them apart to easily crumple them into its mouth.

The Before white fur that was calm and fluffy turned itself into a dark red mess.

That were the events that led to the Revo incident. The incident sealed the future of The War Mountains. The Pura Peak was destroyed to ashes the whole place was burned down many times to try to kill the ''monster'' that was later found out that be a mythical beast. They named it Revo after looking similar to a mythical beast called Evor one of the strongest mythical beasts living since the gods walked the earth.

The third and final peak also making it the smallest is the Outlook Peak. A peak with a little history and more beauty and myths. Outlook Peak has a beautiful view, you can see far distant districts in the surrounding forest, making Out Look peak a good observatory. People are still a bit scared of Outlook peak, even though it has a great view it still has some myths or a myth in particular. Outlook peak has almost zero Ectoplasma around it making it hard and for some even impossible to breathe. There wasn't any explanation about it so the Leto district took the matter into their own hands, but they refused to give any answers. So, the rumor is that Outlook Peak is a passage to ''The other outside'', that meaning the underworld where the unknown lives.

''Ughh finally here!'' says Aalish throwing himself over the final edge.

The sun is set after waiting on that edge for some time and he's soaked in water after that light but strong rainstorm. Being tired as he is, he lies down next to the edge of the middle part of the War Mountains.

*Hahh* *hahh* middle part wasn't that hard to reach but I'm still tired. I'll find a place to stay the night but still, the middle part is just a stepping stone I could go find someone to teach me but almost everyone could climb to the middle part. I know there's a village somewhere in between the Olive Peak and Outlook Peak named Lapis village, I am somewhere between Broken and Outlook Peak. I can tell that the broken peak is on my left because there are black snowflakes and ashes flying from that side, I can see a few olive trees on my right meaning that the Outlook Peak is at the front and the village at my lateral right. It's a long path I need around 1 day and a half to get there. It's getting dark and cold so I'll just sleep under a tree or something.

''Sleeping under a tree huh? My back's going to hurt as hell'' says Aalish in a disappointed manner.

Just as he lies down.



What is this sound? The bushes?

Aalish gets up hearing something or someone, he focuses a little Ectoplasma into his index finger making it glow orange with heat, and then creating a little fire on his finger enough to see the bushes that sound was coming from.

The light of his flame can't reach the inside of the bushes enough for him to see

'' I don't know who's there or what you want, but as far as I know, you could be a Broken Shadow or a War Wolf '' not finishing his sentence he throws his little fire 7 centimeters away from him making it flow in the air close to his shoulder about 16 centimeters away and giving him a source of light to see his surroundings.

'' In about 5 seconds I will shoot that bush, if you're one of the mortal races knowing the basic Ell language, you'll understand what I'm saying and move to the side if you're not. Well, I don't really care if a Broken Shadow or a War Wolf dies.''

The point of his index finger starts to glow in orange again but this time little sparks are flying around it.

He opens his mouth with his throat still dry letting out a quiet word.

'' Makore Play Spell Catch''


A little ball of concentrated Ectoplasma shoots out faster than an arrow.

The first shot is meant to be a fake, it will just explode and make a flash of red and orange light. I won't risk if there's a human being in there like a child or something, but if it turns out to be a Broken Shadow or a War Wolf and it ends up attacking me, I will finish it with Arna.

The ball finally reaches the bushes

The bushes don't seem to have a lot of leaves up here because of the cold and the Broken Peak, When the Play Spell reaches it will reveal what-

*SWOOSH* A figure comes flying out of the bush directly to Aalish

So, it was a threat!

He thinks to himself smiling while he grabs Arna off his back.

Running towards the figure himself with his dark red long coat flapping through the night wind.

Just as he's about to slash the dark figure


The ball explodes behind the figure something like a firework explodes. Sparks, light, and fire enlighten the dark place around him, and the figure

Light reaching Aalish's pupil revealing to him a girl with deep red crimson eyes and little gold hairs in her light green hair.

Even though he said if it was a mortal race to move away, but she still attacked him.

She jumped, she has an advantage because of the high ground. She can easily stab him with that beautiful white spear of hers.

I can't really do anything in this situation can I? I could hit her but assuming that she can't understand Ell she would take it as a threat and fight back. How can I show her that I'm not to be feared? How can I tell someone something if they can't understand me? I could let myself be stabbed. No that wouldn't be beneficial on my part. The best thing I can do is just try my best to dodge.

He lets go of his sword that is still on his back and touches her spear that was aimed at him lightly pushing it so he can barely pass under her while she's still in the air.

''KRG'' Her spear stabs into the ground while her white bland one-piece dress is flapping through the wind

Her eyes widen and she starts to ask herself

How did he dodge that? mortal races can't dodge an attack like that.