“He writes steamy historical novels under a female pen name,” Carlton said. “And they’re best-sellers. He’s also a serious real estate investor.”
“I’ve been thinking about the best way to approach a book about the Raleigh family,” Eric said.
“I think I’ll turn the book I’ve been working on into a serious book about the family and its history. Then I’ll write a steamy historical romance about the two men, but maybe under a pen name. I have enough contacts in Athens to get the family book published by the University Press, so that won’t be a problem.”
“And I’m sure my friend Philip will be glad to send your steamy romance to his publisher,” Lydia said.
“I have a ton of work to do first,” Eric said. “I’m glad classes are out for the summer, because it’s going to take every evening for most of July and August to get those journals translated. I usually teach one class during the summer term, but my class didn’t make this term.”