“Charles won a couple of huge court settlements for me back when we first met,” Philip said. “I used the proceeds to start the Integrity Foundation. Its original reason for existence was to provide legal services for gay men and women who couldn’t afford it, but we’ve since expanded that mission to include surrogacy services. If you decide to do it, I can put you in touch with someone at the foundation.”
“Thanks,” Carlton said.
“Can you give us an idea of what it costs to hire a surrogate?” Eric said.
Philip gave them a number. Then he looked pointedly at his surroundings and said, “That shouldn’t be a problem for the two of you.”
“It won’t be a problem for Carlton,” Eric said, “but I don’t live in that financial neighborhood.”
“I can take care of that,” Carlton said.
“No, you can’t,” Eric said. “If I decide to father a child, I need to be able to pay for it.”
“Get that manuscript to my publisher by the end of July,” Philip said, “and you won’t have that problem.” 45