Chapter 27

"How long was I gone from earth?" Kaito asked.

"It has been 12 years, that's ten years more than the promised time. What were you doing?" Panchy asked.

"I lost track time when I was training. Don't worry, I am not leaving to train anytime soon." Kaito said.

"Does that mean you are going again?" Panchy asked.

"I can't sit and wait while there are people out there who are still strong enough to kill me." Kaito said.

"Why are you so obsessed with growing strong? And who is this person strong enough to kill you?" Panchy asked.

"Sorry Panchy but, I can't go into detail. It's just that I lost someone important to me and I tried to take revenge on the one responsible for it. I investigated while trying to grow in power in order to stand against the unknown person. Just when I felt I found the person responsible for her death, I got to know that there is someone with more power behind him.

Just when I struggled all my life and killed that person at the cost of my life, I got to know there were more people behind the scenes. I wanted to kill them but, couldn't. I didn't want that to repeat." Kaito said.

He then looked at Panchy's concerned face and said "Hahahah... You fell for it Panchy. It is the story for my new series. How was it?"

"Hohohoh... quite the naughty one as always. It is a good story." Panchy said with a smile.

"I think I found their Ki. I will go meet Bulma and return if she doesn't kill me." Kaito said and placed his index and middle finger on his forehead.

His figure disappeared from there, which shocked Panchy. After Kaito left, Panchy had a concerned loon on her face. "Oh Kaito, even if you try to lie, your eyes couldn't lie." she said.

In a plane similar to desert with rocks everywhere, there is group of around 10 people gathered near a rock and were talking among themselves. There were two people far from them and the most noticeable thing about them were their blonde hair and the golden aura around them.

One of them had a sword and the other had weird clothes. The guy with sword had his blonde hair turn back to green straight hair till his shoulders. The other person's hair also turned back into a messy black hair.

The guy with the sword sheathed his sword and said "Goku, you are indeed strong as the rumors. In fact, you are stronger than the stories I heard about you."

Goku asked "Do you know me?"

"Yes, I heard a lot from my aunt about you. She was the one who built my time machine. Goku, remember that you shouldn't tell this to anyone. My name is Trunks and I come from the future." Trunks said.

"From the future? Wait, you said that your aunt built the time machine and she was the one who told you about me? who is she and do I know her?" Goku asked.

"My aunt is standing there" he says and points towards Bulma " my mother is aunt Bulma's sister Tights."

"Bulma has a sister?" Goku exclaimed.

"Yes, I was told that she usually didn't stay with aunt. She would travel to places for ideas for her novel. My mom decided to return after she heard my uncle even married my grandma, Panchy. That's when she met my father and..." Trunks said.

"Now that you mention it, you turned into a super saiyan. Since Bulma is a human, her sister should be a human too. Then is your father a saiyan?" Goku asked.

"Yes, his name is Vegeta." Trunks said.

"What!!! Vegeta is your dad?" Goku exclaimed.

"We don't need to discuss about that now. I have travelled to the past to warn you guys about two monsters that are going to appear. They are absolute monsters who killed everyone who got in their way." Trunks said.

"You are calling them monsters even though you can turn into a super saiyan. That must mean they are strong." Goku said.

"Yes, they even killed Gohan and all the other fighters who tried to stop them." Trunks said.

"So, they are stronger than me huh. I am excited." Goku said.

"You didn't even get to fight them. You are going to die a year before they appear due to a heart disease." Trunks said.

Then they both heard a voice which interrupted their conversation "Then what about me?"

Both looked at the owner of the voice and saw a man with black spiky hair sitting on a rock near them.

Trunks immediately brought out his sword and pointed it at Kaito. Goku recognized him and said "Kaito, where were you all this time."

"We will talk about that later" Kaito said and turned to Trunks "what was I doing when all this was happening."

Trunks sheathed his sword and said "So you are Kaito. I remember aunt mentioning that you returned around this time. You stayed on Earth for three years after arriving today and then suddenly disappeared. Aunt said that when she asked where you were going, you replied 'I have to return something. I will be back in an hour.' and didn't return."

'Something must have happened when I went to return the super dragon balls. Have to be careful in the future.' Kaito thought. Trunks looked at Kaito and said "Are you strong? I can't feel your ki at all."

"Hey Kid, there are somethings that are out of your realm of understanding. You will know when the time is right. Now time to go meet my wife and hopefully somehow make her forgive me." Kaito said and left from there.

He landed near Bulma. She just looked at Kaito for a few seconds, her eyes slowly tearing. She them runs and hugs Kaito.

Vegeta, who was standing nearby, looked at Kaito and asked Gohan "Hey kid, who is this weakling."

"I don't know. I am seeing him for the first time. Since he is hugging Bulma, I guess he is her husband Kaito." Gohan said and looked at Krillin, who confirmed by nodding his head.