Chapter nineteen Compassion

I was awoken by Faith's cries, opening my eyes I saw a nurse checking on Janice, I check my watch and saw that it was five am, the nurse gave me a warm smile as I took Faith from her cot and taking a bottle of formula from the warmer I test it on the back of my hand and begin feeding her.

The nurse then gave me a quick rundown of Janice's condition before leaving the room. Well basically it was going to be a few more days before she would be able to go home or move around on her own, poor girl, that bastard certainly did a number on her and she still found the strength to save my life, it was going to be a while before I could wrap my head around that fact.

I had just finished changing Faith's diaper when Janice began moaning in her sleep, placing Faith back in her cot I went and sat beside her mother. She was turning her head from side to side while mumbling. "Please Leon, stop, you're hurting me, stop please stop." She was crying and trembling and I began shaking her gently to wake her up.

Her eyes flew open and she bolted upright. Sweat bead on her forehead as she gasps for breath then winced as pain shot through her body. "shhh it's okay, you're safe now he'll never hurt you again, I promise." Tears ran down her cheeks as she looked up at me. "I can't fight him anymore, he's too strong, I'm tired….I'm….so tired…." Her voice trails off as she closed her eyes and rests her head on my chest.

I let her lay against me for a while as her breathing returned to normal, I then laid her gently back against her pillow, then stayed beside her in case she woke up again but she didn't and at six-thirty I went to find the nurse so she could keep an eye on them until Miss Alice arrived and don't worry I know that she could still be in danger even though she's in a private hospital so two of my cousins were keeping an eye on her room 24/7, they are Michael and Benny.

I had just stepped from the shower when dad entered my room. "Hi Son, I brought you your fruits, how are you feeling?" "I've to say, a little excited to be honest." "Don't worry; you'll do just fine, now my last examination of Janice showed that she isn't out of the woods yet." He said looking at some papers.

"But she should be much better in the next few weeks, she doesn't have an infection, no internal bleeding, her ribs are healing nicely and she's isn't HIV positive," Dad explains. "I, of course, will be running another HIV test on you both in about six months but so far you're both negative, now physically she will be okay but emotionally I'm not so sure," Dad said with a sigh. "She keeps having nightmares," I said. "Well that's to be expected but in the meantime, we'll continue to do everything we can for her and her daughter who I notice is getting very attached to you."

"Of course she is because she loves her Uncle Tyler." I turned and saw dad smiling at me. "What?" I ask innocently. "You have a special gift son; you'll make a wonderful father someday." "Well if God answers my prayers, that day will come in a few months because I'm still hoping that the child Kayla is carrying is mine." Dad made a funny face but said nothing. "Anyway, I've to go, have a good day and remember, take it easy, one step at a time alright," Dad said. "I'll try," I said hugging him.

I sigh heavily as I leaned against the wall in the locker room; it had been a hectic morning. I got my schedule for my training, and it was the second day of my hands-on training in the OR, plus I still had to do my job, damn, talk about a lot but I would be lying if I said it wasn't all very exciting.

I was about to leave the room when Jason and Jessica walk in. "Hey T.J how are you?" Jason asks bumping his shoulder with mine as Jessica hugs me. "Hey guys, I'll be alright I guess, good news though, I haven't thought about her all morning because of my hectic schedule." I snort. "And you'll be happy to know that you were both right, she knew that I was thinking about postponing the wedding and that girlfriend of the year performance was all an act," I said with another sigh.

"T.J we're sorry man, we really didn't want to be right about that, we…." "Nah, it's cool, good looking out though, I've to go, I'll see you guys in a little while." "Hey, where are you off to?" Jessica ask. "There's something I need to take care of," I said before leaving.

I used my lunch break to visit Janice and Faith. I entered her room and saw her curled up on her bed crying, I put the bag of treats I bought for her on the table next to the bag I brought last night and a small smile lift the corner of my mouth as I noticed that she had eaten a few of the treats that were in there. I then briefly checked on Faith and saw that she was sleeping; I then went and sit beside her. "Hey what's wrong, another nightmare?" I ask massaging her shoulder. "I can't stay here, he's going to find me and he's going to kill me and Faith, I dream that he came in this room and put a gun to my head, he's going to kill me, I can't stay here." She cried.

"I know you're scared right now but it's going to be okay," I said softly. "No it won't be, he's going to kill me, he said he's going to find me and kill me." She said in a soft timid voice. "He's not going to find you here and even if he did, he'll never get close enough to you or Faith to hurt you," I said firmly.

"You promise?" She asks softly. "I promise you right here, right now, that man will never hurt you or your daughter again." "I appreciate all that you and your family are doing for me and my daughter but why are you doing all this, what do you want from me?" She asks tears running down her cheeks.

"All we want is for you to get better so you can take better care of yourself and your daughter," I said with a warm smile. "No offense but I've learned the hard way that no one does anything for free, so why are you helping me." "I'm not offended but in my line of work I've learned that it is more rewarding to give than to receive." I rubbed her hands gently. "Please forgive me for being so suspicious." She sobs. "I understand, after everything you've been through, it's okay to be suspicious.

Taking the bag of pastries off the table I handed them to her and sat on the chair next to her. "Thank you." She whispers softly looking into the bag. "Miss Alice and I enjoyed some of what you left here last night." She said taking out a chocolate muffin and a bowl of fruit and choosing the fruit.

"Where's Miss Alice?" She asks taking a bite of her Pineapple. "I gave her a break," I said taking out one of the muffins. "So, what's the deal with this Leon guy anyway? I ask biting into the muffin. "Why did he feel the need to treat you this way?" I ask.

She shrugged her shoulders and held her head down. I notice that my question seems to make her even more uncomfortable and I regret asking it but I needed answers. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, I just don't understand how anyone could do what he did to you. Was he always this violent?"

She snorts and takes a shuddering breath. "No, when I first met him he was very sweet and patient." She said biting her bottom lip. "So what changed?" I ask as she slowly eats her fruits. "I don't know he started beating me five months after I moved in with him, I did everything I could think of to please him but it was never enough." She wiped her eyes and continued.

"The least little mistake I made would set him off, if I wear something he didn't like or say something he didn't like or his dinner wasn't ready when he got home, no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't please him." She began crying again.

My heart filled with compassion for her and my temper flared towards the man that had caused her so much pain, it was also kind of easy to see why this man was able to take such disadvantage of her, from what I had seen of her personality so far she wasn't someone that was capable of dealing with all that hostility, she was very soft-spoken, caring, gentle and right now she looked very much like a frightened child. "You know what; a good friend of mine told me that it was going to take a while for me to get over what my fiancée did to me but it helps if I talk about it instead of keeping it all inside, so if you ever feel like talking I'm here alright."

She gave me a weak smile and nods her head. "Thank you, it hurts to talk about it but I'll try." "Okay then, enjoy your fruits I'll see you later, and don't worry, you're well protected," I said and wink at her.

I had just signed off work and was walking towards my vehicle when I heard Jason and Jessica calling my name behind me as they came running down the steps, trying to catch up to me. "What's going on?" I ask confused.

"Are you angry with us?" Jessie asks in a worried tone. "No, why would you guys think that?" I ask still confused. "Well, you haven't spoken to us much since you came back to work." She said with a wounded look. "And you didn't have lunch with us today. Alright look, so we weren't supportive of your relationship with you know who but we never wanted this for you, not again, you have to know that." Jason said looking uncomfortable.

"I know and I'm not angry with you guys, if anything, I'm angry at myself because you both saw her for who she is and I was too blind to see it. I put all my love and my trust in her, only to have it flung back in my face and it hurts, it hurts like hell and I just need some time to figure all this out alright." I said giving them a reassuring smile.

"Okay man, take all the time you need, and congrats on your training and OR assisting. We were in OR seminars too but we didn't make it to the training but we're super excited for you." They said and both of them hug me at the same time. "Feeling the love guys but….can't….breathe," I said chuckling while gasping for air. "We're here for you man, whenever you need us," Jason said patting my shoulder. "I know and I love you guys for it," I said punching their shoulder playfully.

Thank you all for reading

Food for thought

Our mission as children of God is to point people to Jesus

Only through him can those with broken bodies, broken dreams, broken homes, and broken hearts experience wholeness of life.