Chapter 161 Happy dance

Ty was trying to cram as much studying into the one-hour break he got when someone slaps him on the back of his head. "What in the name of the almighty God is wrong with you?" Christian demands sitting opposite him. "What the hell? Chris? of all the people I expect to see today, you weren't one of them. Now, what in God's name are you doing here? And why are you assaulting me?" Ty asks rubbing his head.

"I came here to celebrate with Janice on her becoming a mother again only to find her crying her eyes out because she is extremely sexually frustrated." "Oh, that," Ty said sadly. "Oh, yeah, that, now what the hell is up with, that? And what's this nonsense about you being afraid to make love to her because you don't want to hurt her or your child?" Chris asks.

"Me being afraid of hurting my unborn child isn't nonsense Chris," Ty states. "Like hell it isn't, you're sitting here telling me that your hands are steady enough to assist in open heart surgery but you can't utilize your tool to provide maximum satisfaction without causing harm?" Chris asks narrowing his eyes at Ty.

"Alright, now when you put it like that it does sounds…." "Like bullshit?" Chris finishes for him. "Alright, point taken, I'll think about it," Ty said biting the inside of his mouth. "Take it from me cuz, it's time to stop thinking and start doing if you know what I mean," Chris said wiggling his brows.


The following afternoon Chris enters Janice's room, this time to see a bright smile on her face. "Yesss! Frown has officially been turned upside-down." Chris shouts doing his happy dance. "I don't know what you said to him yesterday but thanks, it worked." "Maybe the slap I gave him on the head knocked some sense into him." Chris laugh. "And now that you're well satisfied Mrs. Alice wanted to go shopping for some things for her shop, so what say we and the kids hit the road." "Okay, how long do I have you for anyway?" Janice asks entering her bathroom.

"Until tonight, I'm leaving on the nine pm flight back to Europe, I'm missing my insecure, possessive idiot like crazy." Chris laughs. "So, details girl, what did he say when he came home last night?" Chris asks.

"Not much, he said that Miss Alice needed my help with the kids, and when I returned the bed was covered with rose petals, and (I'll make love to you by Boys 11 Men) was playing, after we took a shower he began with a massage and well, the rest was history." She laughs. "Smart dude." Chris smiles.

Thank you all for reading, lots of love