chapter 15


Hanie step into the hospital room, run towards Stefan's bed, she climbed up and crawled over to sit on her daddy laps. "Daddy, don't sleep here too long, okay? I want us to go out for ice cream. Please, please!" She asked playfully with Tata & Koya plushies clutching on her arms.

"Of course." He turns her slightly and peck a kiss on her cheeks, "But, have you been a good girl?"

"Yeah!" Hanie nodded. "Mama say, if Hanie good girl, mama will bring Hanie to the botanic gardens to see all the colorful blooming flowers!"

"Yes, okay, you're a good girl. Now go and wash up quick, later uncle Minho and aunty Hailey coming to take you out, remember?" Sara said softly. Smiling at how obedient her daughter is.

That morning, Hanie is moody to have her bath, so Sara decided to just packed Hanie's stuff and bring along to the hospital so she's able to clean and changed herself. - After Hanie got off from the bed slowly and tip-toed her way to the bathroom attached in the room Stefan stayed in, she moves to sit on the edge of the bed when Stefan gently pull her into his arms and onto his laps.

"Hey, baby." Stefan soothes, brushing Sara silky hair out with his fingers until its messy again. He held her close to his chest and rubbed her back in massaging manner.

She was loving it because she was heard whimpering, she missed this moment. "I missed this, Stefan." Their snuggling moments about thirty minutes were cut off after they heard the bathroom door squeaks open.

"Daddy! I'm done. I bath myself!" Hanie said with excitement as she set the backpack she was carrying, to hang on the night stand but she couldn't reach it so Sara went towards her to carries her up. After she put her down, Hanie runs back to her daddy.

"Woah. You did well, my baby. Daddy is proud of you." He gave her a kiss and set her down when a knock is heard revealing the three closest people to Sara. They're here to bring Hanie out for lunch. Hanie gave a flying kiss to her daddy and mama before leaving with Minho, Hailey and Dylan happily.

When they left, Sara felt a pair of warmth arms sneaking in around her waist. Realizing this was a losing battle, she decided to enjoyed this rare moment of peace and quiet in the hospital room, hoping no doctors or nurses drop by for a routine checkup.

"Sara, you know, the past years without you have been horrible for me. If I could, I'd go back and change all of this. I'd never thinking of leaving you."

Tears welling up in her eyes. She felt his lips press ever so gently against her right shoulder and there was that dull ache throbbing in her chest. "I hate you, Stefan." The words slipping out almost effortlessly.

"Really? Baby, aren't you going to turn around to look at me?" Stefan murmured as he closed his eyes, sniffing the soft raspberry scent on her hair. She felt a lump at the back of her throat and refused to go away no matter how many times she swallowed.

They're silent for a second, almost as if wondering which words to choose carefully in this situation. They're not supposed to spend their moments this way.

This time, Sara couldn't hold it back any longer and she turns her body around to face him. "I thought we had said our goodbyes that day at the cafe." She stops there, her words totally dried up in her throat and the tears she had been fighting so hard to hold back pricked at the corners of her eyes.

Stefan smiled almost sheepishly, glancing down at the white shirt Sara had on, he unbuttoned the first two buttons with no hesitations.

"You are charming young man and also a winner. You win my heart over and over again." Sara said and she had never wanted anything more in this very moment than to leap into Stefan's muscle arms.

"I must be blinded by your beauty. Your smile is more beautiful than the stars, I wonder why I could not see your beauty before. You are so beautiful my love." Stefan replied in a hushed tones as she smiled, the corner of her lips turning up ever so slightly and Stefan wondered how it would feel to never see that precious smile of hers again.

While for Sara, Agony knifed through her as she looked around the hospital room, cold and clinical and she hated it. She hated that this would be their last memory together. That their love would die within the four walls of this very room.

"I want to tell you how much I feel and I want to write a beautiful song for you, but I'm afraid I've no enough time to write one. I love you, alright?" Stefan confessed, the words sounding like a cry. Like an aching cry for help.

"I swear I can't live without you or without Hanie. No, I can't lose both of you. Truly you both are my everything." Sara stuttered, short of breath as she stumbling over the words.

"Shh, I know. I can't live without you or Hanie either. I know I didn't tell you I loved you enough. But I love you, only you. No one else and I want to hold you forever, Sara." He whispered sweet words in hear ears, snuggling her closer. Only the sounds of sobbing, heaving is filled in the room.

Everything else they wanted to say dried up. There was only love and the pain that came from it. - Stefan looking down at her pretty features through wet lashes and tear-streaked cheeks. Sara looking at him too, as if he was the only thing that mattered in this world and they're both actually trying to find a way to make things right, before it's too late.