Rash Decision

(Night, In a dark deserted factory)

[Four men in black are standing, circled around a man lying on the ground. The man, on the ground, is totally bloodied. Among those standing men, only Liesel's voice can be heard. He is threatening the man on the ground.]

"You should just stop being this stubborn. You know what will happen to you if you don't!"

[The man laughs and mumbles few words while in pain.]

"I'm not a fool. I know I'll die right here tonight, no matter what I do. I'd rather have you guys face your end with my death than having a shameful death."

[Liesel kicks right at the man's face and he stops moving. Liesel stoops down to check if he's alive or not.]

"Don't die before the boss comes!"


(Valerie's POV)

(The same night, In Valerie's room)

[Valerie just woke up from another nightmare.]

What time is it now?! I fell asleep while brooding over my next step. What an idiot I am!

[Valerie gets up and checks the time in her phone, "22:01". She quietly gets out of her room to get some water.]

I'm just lazily passing my days here. There is no progress in either part of my plan. I have no updates on Bree, neither I have made any progress on meeting with that person. Maybe I'm not smart enough to execute my revenge plan. What should I do? Running away, just like I did in the past is an option, but...

[Valerie reaches the kitchen while thinking about her current progress on her plan.]

Thinking too much won't lead me anywhere. First, I need to have some water.

[Valerie suddenly overhears Bryce talking to someone over the phone on the way back to her from the kitchen. She hides on the landing of the staircase from where she can clearly see and hear Bryce.]

"Okay, wait there. I'll be there on time."


"Hmm... keep trying. Make him talk!"


"Remember, I don't care about the tricks you use, I only want the result!!"

Sounds like something fishy is going on. I've been staying here for near about 5 days now but since the party incident, I have not seen him being this serious over anything. A really dangerous thought is coming to my mind right now. I need to be at my best behavior to get his permission to get out of here. If I sneak out now it can hamper that part of my plan but, what if I come across something even better by following him?!

Think Valerie think! You need to decide fast!

[While Valerie is trying to weigh her options she hears Bryce calling someone for the second time.]

"Get the car. I'll be ready in 5 minutes."

Okay. So, I don't have much time. I'll just try doing something rustic to get some information on his shady business. It's better than lazily wander around his mansion all day long. I didn't come back here for a safe life. I came back to take risks to get revenge. I shouldn't have any time for being this weak.

[A few minutes later, dressed in full black clothes Valerie comes out in the garden from the back door without making any sound. She comes across few guards but they couldn't see her.]

As far as I know, this man, if it's any kind of shady work, won't be going out through the front door. I'll go to the spare garage and wait for him.

[Valerie heads towards the spare garage without being noticed, using the skills she learned from her late mother. Upon reaching the spare garage she faces another big question.]

I'm already here but how am I supposed to follow him?! Why am I so stupid and always unprepared?! If it goes on like this I'll die for sure before getting my revenge. I should have thought it through before coming here.

[As Valerie was feeling frustrated over her idiotic descision she sees a suited girl coming and unlocking a car. She hears her calling.]

"Sir your car is ready."

[Valerie takes another rash decision seeing this. She throws few pebbles in the opposite direction from her hide-out and as soon as the lady leaves to check Valerie unlocks the car trunk and sneaks in. She hears the lady coming back from the trunk and she also feels the car starting to move.]

I know it was another rash decision. But now that I've taken this decision I'm not feeling much fear. All I've to do now is quietly follow Bryce and also get back here without being noticed.

Bryce thought I won't know how he had installed cameras inside that room to keep tabs on me. But I'm not that naive anymore. I made sure to cover both of them before leaving.

[Valerie chuckles silently which couldn't be heard by the person sitting inside the car. He didn't even get a hint of how things are very slowly going out of his hands.]

(End of Valerie's POV)


[Back to the dark deserted factory where Liesel is waiting for his boss along with the betrayer who caused his boss quite a good amount of headache.]

"So... you have decided about not spilling the beans, right?!"

[Liesel kicks that man lying on the ground with all the might he has and shouts in frustration.]

"UGH! You damn rat!"

(Ring~ ring~)

"Hello Boss!"

"How things are going there?"

"He is still not ready to open his mouth and I don't think he will be able to breathe for more than next couple of hours. So, please hurry up boss!"

"Okay, wait there. I'll be there on time."

"I'll try to keep him alive until you come. Maybe you should come and see him yourself boss."

"Hmm... keep trying. Make him talk!"

"Okay, boss."

"Remember, I don't care about the tricks you use, I only want the result!!"

[Liesel cuts the call and gets back to the man.]

"Are you going to keep acting this high and mighty? Why don't you think a bit about your own family? Do you want to let them face the consequences of your betrayal?!"

[The half dead man doesn't respond at first so Liesel steps on his right hand which makes him speak up few words.]

"I've already paid for the wrong deeds I've done. don't worry about me or my family."

"Okay, keep on being like this.. Boss is coming. Let's see how you do in front of him."

[The man's face become colorless and he doesn't respond anymore. Seeing the man almost dead those foour men including Liesel goes out to take smoke break. After few minutes they hear a car's sound so they come back quickly.]

"I think boss is here... look after this one. I'll go and get him quickly."

"Okay, sir!"


(Valerie's POV)

[After few claustrophobic tense minutes valerie feels the car slowing down and she hears few voices including Bryce's and Liesel's.]

It was really nerve wrecking. Inside here, even a single minute feels like long hours. At last the time has come. The time to check the consequence of my sudden rash decision. Now I've to figure out how I can get out without attracting anyone's unwanted attention...