Youngtail is a cat that is trying to live up to the legacy of his father, for being one of the strongest cats in the wild. Or course, he has his father right by his side to help him as well, but that does not mean things are going to be easy for him. He is struggling from the loss of his sister in a battle not all too long ago, as well as the loss of his mother, who was killed by his brother, and once again, another loss, which was his brother, who he had killed in anger for the fact that he had killed their mother. His father thinks that his brother died in the fight with their mother, but that was not the case at all, and it feels like Youngtail has a lot of secrets that he is hiding right now, as his father is really looking up to him, to be the next leader.
Luckily enough for Youngtail how ever, he does not have to have his focus on any of that for all too long how ever, as Skyclan and Riverclan have split apart, and Shadowclan is left on their heels. Windclan, the clan that he is in right now, is at war with one of the last clans standing, which is Thunderclan. Can Youngtail step in, and be a leader for his clan, when he is needed most at a time like this?