What do You Mean?

"So you're telling me that I somehow slipped into another universe because of my accident?!" I shouted at her, panic starting to swell up inside me again.

Scarlet and Rakel shared a glace before she looked at me again, "yeah, exactly what I mean. Only a few of you make it here but that's once in a blue moon... some even stay here somehow" she gave a momentary pause as she thought of someone. It was as if she was looking into the distant past of a memory. 

"So I need an education on this whole planet, area... thing" I spoke, my words falling on patient ears. 

"Ok then, so the planet you landed upon is called Dalore, we have beasts that want to constantly kill you, we have kings and queens, normally the people from your side have a power of some kind, and we don't have the things that ye guys call relationships over there we just call dibs and go fer it, uh I don know what else there is" Rackel said while biting his bottom lip in thought. 

"Wait, what?" I asked in a shocked tone.

"Wha to what part, I literally jus told ya multiple thangs" as he said this he gave me a confused look with an eyebrow raised, much like you would see The Rock do. 

"Powers and you guys just do a thing like Rent-a-bich?" 

"Well, uh... I mean when ya put it that way" he replied scratching the back of his head. "Listen, we just don't like being selfish over here is all."

"How is that even being remotely close to selfish with anything?" I questioned him with angered fueled curiosity.

"Ya literally make the same person hang round ya all day til they want to leave ye and seek attention from others due to the constant clinging body draggin em down" Rackel stated very plainly to my surprise. 

I couldn't respond well to this so I stayed silent and nodded my head a few times in submission because arguing it anymore would be futile. 

"So then how do I get back to my side of the world?" I asked with a glimmer of hope that there was some possible way to get off this side of reality.

"You have to basically go on a fortnight venture through every biome known to us and face a beast in Gatagore named Bien... It won't be easy, even a little bit. Rackel will go with you and-" 

Before Scarelet could even finish her sentence Rackel groaned and looked at her with a disapproving gaze, "why do I gotta go?" he moaned. 

"Due to you having some of the best knowledge in the camp I would expect you to be going over everyone" she stated to him then turned back to give me her attention "you both will be heading out in three days time. Til then you may stay in the pub, upstairs, in the spare room. Have men over if you want, but know you're cleaning the sheets in the mornings."

I turned red at the thought of having any men in my room that she had offered to me. Either way I'd clean the sheets in the morning, after all it would only be polite. Though I was dating someone, in my world, the real world, this world is just fake and a part of my subconscious and I would never cheat on him... Not even in a dream...

Rackel had rolled his eyes and went to grab a jacket and started wrestling with it to put it on. 

"Where are you goin?" Scarlet asked in a harsh tone

"I'm goin out, needa let off some steam after this whole thin" he replied while grabbing what looked like a form of a cigarette and lighting it in his mouth; then with that he left the tavern.

Starting to head towards my vacant room for the night, Scarlet stopped me

"You two have more in common than you know, right?" she sighed 

I looked at her confused "how so?" 

She returned my gaze "You'll see" she replied steadily, then turned to go to a room located on the bottom floor and didn't return out.

Returning to my original goal of getting to my bed, I finally made it and found myself lying awake staring at the ceiling, pondering my life's many questions. Later on in my intervention on myself about liking frogs and keeping them all, I heard the slamming of the door to the tavern and the slamming of the door next to mine followed soon by squeaks and banging... It was gonna be a long night....