"Frieza?"Frost looked at me with confusion.
"You enslave the innocent!"
"Whatever do you mean?", frost shook his head, out of the stands i heard a Saiyan shout.
"Yeah he freed people from Pirates!" , the Saiyan looked sternly at me. And frost continued
"My name is Frost and I fight for the innocent" , the Saiyan nodded his head in agreement.
I stared down frost and gave him daggers. I wasn't buying his ruse. The referee sounded the beginning of the match. I flew in and punched Frost with my right hand to gauge his strength. He grabbed it, twisted it and slammed me on the ground. I picked myself back up and turned Super Sayian, he looked surprised and the other Saiyan looked astonished at my power, i smirked and Frost and i clashed but after a while i started to feel sluggish and fell to the ground on my knees, jut then frost went in for a kick and i caught it to his surprise and dismay, i started to power up right in front of his eyes, my hair got super spiky and i started to grow fur and my tail whipped his face and he got sent flying back, when he looked up he saw me standing there looking down at my arm where a puncture wound is and sucking the venom in my mouth and spitting it out on the ground the venom melted the ground and made a small hole,"I knew it", i held up my hand and charged a beam, "Don't worry it will only stun you" , i shot it and it was an instant ring out , the announcer spoke.
"Ring out!", he paused for a second and then continued, "Next up is The Universe six Saiyan Cabba!"