A New World of power? Sayian rumble!

I dropped out of Super Saiyan 4 and looked at my new Rival. He spoke up and was very polite.

"Hi, my name is Cabba, Let's both do our best!" he bowed.

"Lets Cut the formalities' ', I stared at him coldly wondering how he could be a Saiyan, where's his pride.

"Im sorry", i turned super Saiyan and waited,"Worried you'll hurt me, I'll be ok, trust me", he looked embarrassed.

"I can't transform, can you teach me? "I looked at him with disbelief, that's when I got an idea.

"Hey kiddo", i smirked sinisterly


"Do you love your family?"

"Yes, why?"

"Then wouldn't it be lovely of you to arrange their Funeral?", I looked his way and he wasn't moving.

"LEAVE MY FAMILY OUT OF THIS!", I saw i tint of yellow covering his body when and explosion of power happed and my scouter beeped, the arena around us bean to crack around us and I was blinded for a brief moment when I was able to see again i saw a very pissed Super Saiyan, he rushed me and I couldn't block he hit me with a bragge of qi blasts and they hurt really bad I swiped my hand and deflected the rest, my earring jingled and beerus looked at me in Disbelief, this earring ment I knew a specific technique of the gods, cabba shot a Galick Beam my way and I uttered a single word, "Hakai", the beam disappeared instantly, "Remember this feeling..",I punched him out of the ring and into a pit on the surface of the planet. The announcer spoke again.

"Another Ringout!", " Next up is Hit Universe 6's ASSASSIN!"