You Could Always Steal The Job I Worked Centuries For...

"So… there's something you need to know." 


"Does this have to do with what happens to Indiana or something to do with me being Emilio's daughter?" 

"The latter." 


Madeline studied Xavier's face. 

"Is it something I should know by today?" 

"If it isn't you could always just tell me some other time." 

'I'm guessing it's not something that can wait,' Madeline thought to herself the minute she noticed the change in Xavier's expression.

'Is it bad news? Is that why he's hesitating?'

'Alphas don't hesitate, what am I doing?' Xavier asked, scolding himself. 

He fought back a growl. 

'I should've told her already.' 

'Why do I feel this… feeling?'

Like it or not, there was this emotion welling up in him he couldn't quite put his finger on. 

Was it doubt?



Or… was it… 

'No, I never am that way.'

'I'm never…'