All Smiles

Xavier took a bite. 

'There,' he thought to himself, hoping for the best, and that news wouldn't spread around the pack like wildfire. 

Adrian would tease the life out of him! 

There wouldn't be a day that passed by without Adrian reminding him of what he happened to have walked into or heard from someone else.

Perhaps he'd wallow in the fact that he didn't get to see it for himself if it wasn't him that witnessed it. 

But he'd be all smiles all around. 

Whilst Xavier admitted it was nice seeing Adrian smiling after what had happened with… her. 

Oh yes, he knew about her alright. 

He had simply kept quiet about it since Adrian wasn't the type that wanted reassuring. All he wanted was someone to stay by his side through all his rough patches, and clearly that proved to be true as centuries later, he and Xavier were still friends.