Killing Because… What?

As said before, Cornelia was practically omnipotent so she must've known who Madeline was to be in the future, right?

Was that why she made the decision to give her away and to hide her from Emilio?

Would something change if Emilio knew he had a daughter all along? 

Now Emilio couldn't stop thinking about Cornelia and her actions.

That woman never did anything without a purpose. Everything she did was strategically thought out. She wasn't a simple person.

That was what he loved about her. 

The centuries that passed didn't change his feelings for her. As much as he resented her, he still loved her. 

His urge to kill overpowered the part of him Cornelia fell in love with. It was also the thing that drove the two of them apart. The thing that drove a wedge between them. 

He killed because he wanted to. She killed when absolutely necessary.