Out of The Blue

Out of the blue, Madeline asked Briar, "What if we invited Indiana to hang with us?"

Briar gave her a strange look, wondering if Madeline had lost her mind and gone insane. 


"You mean the girl that accused you of using Xavier?"

"Why would you possibly suggest the idea of hanging out with her? She—"

"She's alone, and she doesn't have anyone else here because she was forbidden to join the hunt because of me."

"It wasn't because of you, it was because of her actions and her poor decision making," Briar corrected.

"Why are you blaming yourself for what happened to her?"

"Xavier punished her fairly, and it'd be better if she could just spend this time to think her actions through and see the wrong in her ways."

Madeline reasoned, "She must feel a tad bit guilty, she apologized."

"Many people can apologize, Madeline. You know that."


Briar shook her head, "No buts, Maddie."