What Are Those Strange Noises Coming From The Kitchen?

"Xavier? Xavier," Adrian called, looking for Xavier, wanting to ask him something of utmost importance. 

To his surprise, Xavier and Madeline were still in the kitchen.

What were they doing that was so time-consuming? Cooking didn't usually take this long.

After hearing some strange noises, Adrian took a peek in the kitchen, only for his jaw to drop to the floor. 

Xavier and Madeline were… 

Having a food fight?

'Are my eyes working properly?' Adrian asked. 

'You know what, I should just leave. Come to think of it, I could always ask him later.' 

Now, one would be asking. 

How did Adrian go unnoticed by Xavier and Madeline? 

Adrian was extremely skilled at being silent. He was agile and stealthy. 

Unfortunately, Xavier noticed Adrian peeking in the kitchen out of the corner of his eye. 

'What?' He asked Adrian as he shielded himself from the flour that was just about to hit him.