Madeline’s One Request

Madeline brushed it aside; she was happy to see Xavier like this.

Because usually, he either seemed stressed, or extremely broody.

"I have to return back now," Xavier said, sounding sad.

"Work?" Madeline asked.

He nodded. 

It was about time he returned, Adrian was probably looking for him. 

"Alright, let's go," she said. 

"Sorry for cutting this short," he apologised.

"No need to apologise," she chuckled, "I understand, don't worry about it."

'I'm just happy you got to take a break, even if it wasn't that long and lasted a couple of hours,' Madeline thought to herself. 

Xavier smiled at her gratefully, before they swiftly returned to Eudora, Xavier giving Madeline a piggyback ride back.

Once they returned, Xavier headed for his office, whilst Madeline went over to Rosalynn's room, hoping to talk to her. 

She knocked, only to get silence as a reply.

'Guess she isn't in her room.'