It Hurts

"It hurts," Emilio said to her, placing his hand on his chest. 

He added, "It hurts because I do listen to what you say."

"Sorry," Madeline apologised. 

"Moving on," Emilio said, brushing it off before asking her, "How do you feel about this? Getting powers is a big deal, is it not?" 

Madeline thought about it. She hadn't had much time to think it over, and afterwards, she'd tell Indiana about what she had missed last night. 

"I guess… I'm still adapting. I'm unsure of how to deal with these powers… I don't know if they're going to stay or if they're temporary, so I feel sort of lost."

It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her chest. That only prompted her to continue speaking. 

"Go on," Emilio said, encouraging her to continue. He knew she had more to say.

Madeline smiled gratefully, touched he was there for her.