You'll Have To Come With Me To Find Out

Once he took a moment or two to think about it, he figured Madeline was right. He had changed, by a lot. 

No longer was the man that was dead set on ruining Xavier's life once he saw Xavier once more. He felt different too, like the fire that burned bright in him had dimmed. His urge to kill had lessened, and he no longer wished to inflict harm on anyone.

All he wanted was to atone to what he had done, and to get to know his daughter better. The rest could be damned; that was all he cared about at the current moment.

And also, talking to Rosalynn these days had helped him experienced what it was like in Cornelia's world. Or at least, she gave him a dip into Cornelia's point of view. 

From the very start, Cornelia had admitted many, many times that she didn't think she'd have kids. Emilio knew that already. All Rosalynn had done was repeat it.