Hah, You Wish!

"So, you plan on telling me what happened and what you and Briar talked about?"

Madeline bopped him on the nose, "You wish."

Xavier pouted,  "Can't even give me a hint, pup?"

Pausing, Madeline realised it had been quite a while since he had last called her that.

Xavier noticed her reaction to him calling her pup, pausing to ask, "Was it something I said?"

Madeline admitted, "I'm fine, I just haven't been called that in a while."

She looked at her lap, missing the olden days where she and Xavier would bicker and he would call her pup. Hmm, what had happened since then? 

For one, there was Rosalynn in her life, as well as Emilio and Indiana. It was great to have them, as much as Madeline tried not to admit. 

The best reminder in her life as of the current moment was that she had someone by her side no matter what happened. Through thick and thin, her friends were by her side. Her family as well.