A Love Thingy

Oh yes, this just turned into a whole love diagram. 

Was it a love triangle? A love square? A love pentagon? 

Who kept track at this point? Things were confusing. 


Yes, Jonathan had feelings for Indiana.

In a sense, he was similar to her. He wondered why he would have feelings for Indiana when he didn't know her.

Obviously, he didn't listen to a word anyone told him about staying away from Indiana when they caught him glancing at her every now and then, since it was him who could decide what he did and what he didn't do. 

However, he was confused when Indiana had told him to stay away.

Was this her peculiar way of protecting him, a man she had never even talked to until today?

"I'm not telling you to stay away from me. I'm just suggesting you do that because I don't have the best reputation here, and I–"

Jonathan dismissed it, taking a bold step closer to her.