"So, how was your reunion?" 

"Fun. Drama filled. Xavier made an appearance."

"Xavier made an appearance? What are you talking about, and why haven't I heard of this?" 

Briar grinned, "Didn't you hear?" 

Adrian frowned, "I wish I did, but no. If I did, I'd be at Xavier's office right now, talking his ear off." 

"Xavier made an appearance at the reunion."

"Yeah, that I already know off. What else?"

"I sent him a text. Told him guys were looking at Madeline and the next second he's there. He scared them off and the girls loved him. They practically ate him up and they were enamoured with him, you should have seen it."

Adrian narrowed his eyes, "Yes, I should have."

"Oh! And he also claimed to be Madeline's boyfriend."

"THEY'RE DATING NOW?" Adrian asked.

"Quiet down! You're talking too loud, you're going to give me a headache. No, they're not. Xavier just pretended, I think he did at least."