Where Is This All Coming From?

"Right, I should probably wrap things up and leave now. I'm sorry, I just… I've been missing you a lot these days. Especially with the full moon, I wish you were here. I should get to leaving now, so I'll see you later," Madeline said, getting up on her feet and taking one last look at Indiana's grave before she left. 

Once she returned to Eudora, she decided to pay her father a visit and see how he was doing. 

"Hey dad," greeted Madeline cheerily when Emilio opened his door for her. 

"Hello dear, how's your day been?" Emilio asked, putting the book he was reading down to a nearby table.

"It's alright, I visited Indiana today," Madeline answered, a smile painted across her face. 

Emilio wasn't sure whether or not to keep talking about Indiana or change the subject. Madeline seemed to be in a good mood, but did she want to keep talking about Indiana or did she want to stop talking about her as soon as possible?