Thinking about his father made Ed feel sick to his stomach.
Even though that old monster had drunken himself to death almost 15 years ago, he still sometimes managed to haunt Ed's mind.
He still remembered the day of the funeral vividly.
It had been a cold and rainy day.
Thinking back Ed was actually glad that it had rained the entire time because if it hadn't everyone would have surely noticed that Ed didn't shed even a single tear over his father's death.
It didn't mean that he had been happy about it either, instead he just didn't seem to feel anything.
Not when all those people, whose names he didn't even care to remember, said there condolences or when they lowered the coffin into that dark hole.
Not even when he took a handful of dirt and threw it onto the remains of the man he use to call father did he feel anything.
At least his mother had cried but that wasn't really a surprise to him.
She always cried a lot, sometimes she did it to get attention or to make people do what she wanted but more then often it was because her oh so loving husband had beat her up again, cheated or had spent all there money on gambling and alcohol.
Ed still didn't understood why she had stayed with him till his death or why she always insisted that her husband was a good man.
She even use to lie to people for him. Telling everyone that asked about her bruises that she just was a clumsy person.
He shook his head, not wanting to remember any of those old memories.
It had already spend enough time on get over his anger toward his parents and he didn't want to spend even one more moment reminiscing over 'the good old days'.
"I need a beer." He mumbled to myself and went into his apartment again, leaving the still quietly sobbing boy on his own.
"Fuck you! Stupid bullshit!"
The boy cursed under his breath while whipping away the burning tears with the sleeve of his hoodie.
His stomach once again painfully twisted up from all the pent up frustration and anger, making him quickly get to his feet and rush to the bathroom.
Just a second after he had opened up the toilet seat, his meager breakfast made it's way up his throat and down into the water.
After emptying his stomach he sunk to his knees and led his throbing forehead rest on the cold porcelain.
Ever since his parents had decided to split up a few months ago, everything had just went down the drain just like the contents of his stomach.
It had been quite a shock for him when they had told him that they were breaking up.
Sure they never had seemed like the loving, carring couples you would see on TV but they also didn't really seem to hate each other or something like that.
That's why it was still hard for him to figure out the reasoning behind it.
As far as he remembered they never really had fought with each other or even argued that much.
If they had he could have at least done anything like that he could understand why they didn't want to stay together but without a reason it just seemed stupid to him.
What he found even more stupid was that he and his mom had to move out of the beautiful, big house into this disgusting, tiny apartment.
If it had been his decision he definitely would have stayed with his father. After all they got along way better or at least they use to.
But no, they never even considered asking for his opinion on the matter and instead just decided everything by themselves behind his back. Almost as if this hole thing had nothing to do with him.
The boy slowly got back to his feet and rinsed out his mouth with some water.
Then he looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror above the sink.
"Fuck man you look like shit." He jokingly said to himself.
With an groan Ed crouched down in front but when he looked inside he sighed in frustration.
There was no beer or anything really for that matter.
All that was left inside was some old ketchup bottle, a few glasses filled with olives, pickled cucumbers and other things he didn't even remembered when he had bought them.
The distinct lack of anything that could be considered a meal made Ed realize that he hadn't gotten any groceries in a while.
With another groan and the cracking of his knees he stood up again and went over to his wallet, that was laying on the kitchen table.
Twenty-five euro and a little bit of change was all he had left in it.
He normally knew better than to use his last bit of money on alcohol instead of buying something to ear but in that moment all he wanted was a god damn drink, even if that meant having nothing else to eat for the next ten days then instant nudeln.
With an annoyed grunt Ed stuffed his wallet into the backpocket of his jeans and then put on his old, warn out biker boots.
He took his keys, looked the door behind him and went to the elevators.
As usual only one of the two wasn't out of order. He pressed the button a few times and soon after the doors opened with a squeaking sound.
Ed took one last breath before stepping into the tiny metal box that had graffiti all over it's walls and also for some reason always smelled like a horrible combination of vomit, piss and something he didn't even wanted to know what it was.
He held his breath like usual and started to count down when the doors stated to close.
But then he heard an oddly familiar voice yell for him to wait.
For a moment he hesitated but then decided against his better judgment to press the button that opened the doors again.