29. Questioning

Even when they were in the car, Ann was confused why Reynard was staring at her with that kind of gaze. She touched her face, but she was sure that she didn't have anything there because she had checked her face in the restroom.

"What is it?" Ann finally asked.

"Did you really don't know Brother Zach from before?" Reynard asked the very question he had been wanting to ask from a long time ago.

Ann shook her head. "Do you really think that I can possibly forget meeting someone like him?"

Recalling how Zach looked like, Ann felt that it was really impossible for her to forget someone like him. He seemed as if he had just come out of a painting, looking so perfect that one couldn't put their eyes away from him.

In fact, Ann herself felt that it was impossible for her to forget about his face.

The thought made Ann felt troubled because she knew very well that their background was completely different. It would be hard for her to even maintain this kind of crush if she ever had any.

Not to mention….

She was only using this identity because she had a mission to fulfil. Once her mission was done, she would have to leave far away in order to make sure that no one would be chasing after her.

It would be very dangerous.

Reynard was speechless.

Why did it sound as if Ann was praising Zach's good looks so blatantly in front of him? Even though Reynard really wanted to argue, he felt that it was indeed impossible for him to even utter a word to refute.

Zach was indeed… very handsome.

"Right. Brother Zach act a bit strange around you. Did you notice it?" Reynard asked tactfully.

"Are you referring to the rumor of him not allowing anyone to stay close to 1 meter around him unless they're his friend?" Ann asked while tilting her head.

She didn't know the reason why, but she heard that Zach didn't let anyone to get close to him because of some specific reason. It was never explained but it was just said that Zach didn't like anyone to get close to him.

Even amongst his closest friend, only Julius was the one who could stay near him. Though, Julius would not always stay with him because he was busy to court his current girlfriend. If she was not wrong, Julius had just managed to coax her to be with him after courting for an entire year.

Welp, what a very persistent man.

Reynard nodded. "Yes! You're the first girl who can get close to him and this is even your first meeting with him. This is why I can't believe that you have only met with him today. I'm sure that you must have met with him for many years."

Ann was speechless. "Tell me then, where am I supposed to meet him?

"In the par…"

It was then Reynard recalled that Ann was not even in Compel City until two weeks ago. Before that, she was staying in a completely different city and that city was so small that Zach had never stepped foot there.

If they could meet under such situation, that would be a miracle.

Seeing that Reynard was stunned, Ann chuckled. "Don't think too much. If I have such a high status to be able to meet with that kind of man, I wouldn't end up in this situation."

This situation?

Reynard didn't understand, but Ann didn't have any plan to explain it to him. How could she possibly tell Reynard that the Davis Family real plan for adopting her was because they wanted to test whether her heart was compatible with their beloved daughter?

If it was compatible, they would definitely kill her.

However, Ann's eyes flashed with amusement.

As the daughter of a werewolf, how could Celeste hoped for ordinary human's heart to match with her?