39. Probing

Seeing how the two siblings interacted, Ann felt that they were really noisy. It seemed that the house was always so lively with the two of them around.

"Miss Ann."

Ann heard her name and raised her head. She could see Julius was looking in her direction with some kind of weird gaze. It seemed as if he was interested in her but rather than interest in terms of romantically, it was more like he was calculating her worth.

Yes, her worth.

Looking at how calm the young girl was, Julius couldn't help but feel a bit amazed. He had searched for all the information he could get about her and sent his men to double check. The result was undeniable, yet there was feeling that her background must be wrong.

It was just he didn't know what was wrong.

"Is there anything I can do to help, Mr. Julius?" Ann asked in polite and detached tone.

Julius smiled. "Would you like to hear my proposal?"


"…You haven't even heard what it is about."

Ann arched her eyebrows. She looked at Julius and shrugged. "I'm just a high school student while you're a businessman, Mr. Julius. I don't think that someone like me can possibly help you when I can't even take care of my study properly."

Can't take care of her study properly?

Julius felt that the young girl in front of him was really difficult to talk with. While he did investigate her background and feel that it was very ordinary, there was a feeling deep within his heart that it shouldn't be that simple.


He didn't know.

It was nothing more than instinct.

"In that case, would you like some tea?"


Julius nodded then walked to the kitchen to instruct the servants. His action seemed as if he was the one who owned the house and not his girlfriend. But from the way the servants were respecting him, Ann could guess that Julius was indeed someone who had been here for a long time.

It was quite something for even the servants already treated him like he was the master of this mansion.

Though, Ann would refrain from saying anything.

"Miss Ann."

"Yes, Mr. Zach." Ann noticed that Zach had already finished wiping his face and hair. His hair was a bit messy, giving off the image of a seductive wild wolf. For some reason, Ann felt that her heart fluttered a bit when she saw his image.

She was baffled.

Before this, she was sure that she had seen a fair share of handsome guys from many events. There were even many who could claim that they were more handsome that the man in front of her.

Yet there was a certain charm coming out of him that made it hard for her to look away. It was strange.

Very strange.

"How do you plan on teaching Reynard?" Zach asked in low voice, sounded casual and very calm.

Hearing his words, Ann had the impression that Zach did believe that she could teach Reynard martial arts. While the others were all full of disbelief of her, Zach was the one who seemed to fully trust what she said.

That was why Ann felt that it was strange. A cunning businessman like him wouldn't easily fall for other people's words.

And yet, he trusted her so easily.

Did he have any other motive?

"I'm planning to see his moves first then decide afterwards." Ann chose to relay her thoughts to the man.