40. Strange

Did he have any other motive?

"I'm planning to see his moves first then decide afterwards." Ann chose to relay her thoughts to the man.

Zach arched his eyebrows. "You haven't seen him fought before?"

"I have." Ann tilted her head, wondering whether she should continue or not. But well, she would definitely tell this to Reynard, so there was nothing wrong by adding another person who new. "However, all I got from him is the impression that he's too slow. His reaction speed is also quite slow, so I plan on having him more awareness on the field."

As for increasing Reynard's strength, that was something that could be easily done. There were various methods that already spread in the internet. Ann knew that it was possible for the Sall Family to also have a detailed manual.

There was no need for her to waste her time in this.

It would be better for her to teach him how to react faster because in real battel, the winner and loser could be determined within that split second.

Zach nodded. "That's a good idea."

Ann blinked her eyes, not understanding why Zach would even try to talk to her more than others. She was absolutely sure that this was only her second time meeting with this man, yet he seemed to be more approachable than before.


There was still that dangerous vibe around him. Ann wouldn't dare to get close to him unless she was sure that she wouldn't get hurt.

The two of them was silent for a while before the door opened.

"Finally that brat is doing his homework." Julie stretched her hand. Her eyes then landed on Ann as she smiled brightly. "It's rare to see Reynard take an interest on a girl. Are you sure you're not his girlfriend?"

"No, I'm not."

"Aww, that's too bad. I thought that I can finally tease him." Julie's tone was regretful. It was clear that she wanted to teas her younger brother, but she also knew that it was hard for her to do so. Her younger brother wouldn't give her the chance to tease him and only berated each other heavily.

Ann looked at Julie.

Julie Sall, the first daughter in Sall Family. She was a very famous person because she worked in the entertainment field. It was said that she had a huge fan base and known for her mischievous and liveliness.

When she first announced that she had a boyfriend, many of her fans were weeping. They didn't want her to have a boyfriend yet. Though, when they found out the identity of her boyfriend, they were all speechless.

It seemed that she had hooked a big fish.

"Oh right, your name is Ann, right?" Julie asked while beckoning for Ann to take a seat. She was not that impolite to the point of letting her guest stand all the time. She herself also sat down and took the jar of peanuts in front of her.

"Yes, Miss Sall."

"Don't be so formal with me. Just call me Sister Julie or something."

Ann blinked her eyes. "Yes, Sister Julie."

"Good." Julie grinned, munching on the peanuts. She then turned to look at Zach and felt a bit nervous. "Are you planning to stay here for the day, Mr. Hein?"

"I'll see to it later," Zach gave an ambiguous reply.

Julie looked a bit helpless. While she was uncomfortable with Zach's presence, she couldn't possibly kick him out, could she? She knew very well that Zach was someone who was more powerful than her and her boyfriend was his good friend.

Zach rarely came here. Julie would never even dream of having him come to her house if not for her boyfriend.

"Since it'll take some time until Reynard finish his homework, how about if you go shopping with me, Ann?" Julie asked with a grin.