She continued walking forward. The Alpha with his long fingers, sharp fangs and bloodred eyes walked to her and without caring about the knife she held which he knew could leave a wound that won't heal for a while he hugged her and tilted his head from his taller height till his mouth was only few inches away from the white skin of her neck.

When his teeth pierced through the softness of her skin and sunk deeper into the skin, Aurora's eyes shot wide open and she opened her mouth to scream.

No sound came out of her lips. She tried to struggle but the hand that was wrapped around her tightened its grip until she felt too weak to keep her eyes opened.

Her knife that was once held tightly in her hand dropped to the floor with a clang. Her eyes wavered in confusion as she could not understand what was going in that short moment she had to think.

She had been sleeping peacefully on her bed but what was she doing here standing.